Ravenhall Masjid & Community Centre


Ravenhall Masjid & Community Centre will be accessible by over thousands of Muslims on a daily basis. Ravenhall Masjid & Community Centre Construction Project is progressing into the final stage. We need another $300,000 to complete the remaining work by end of April 2022 to obtain an occupancy Permit Insha’Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Save yourself from hellfire by giving even half a date-fruit in charity.” – Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 498

Donations can be made to the following bank account:

Bank: Common Wealth Bank
Account Name: ASLA Inc.
BSB: 063237
Account Number: 10353288

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Council Approved for Place of worship and Community Center
Construction and Project work is managed by Accredited Building Professionals
Ready to apply for Occupancy Permit with completion of remaining work.

Your help is urgently needed to complete ASLA Masjid Construction which includes:

“Surely he only shall tend the mosques of Allah who has believed in Allah and the Last Day, and kept up the prayer, and brought the Zakat, and is apprehensive of none except Allah; so, it may be that those will be among the rightly- Guided.”
Surat At-Tawbah (9:18)

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said, a hadith reported by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, “Whosoever builds for Allah a masjid, Allah will reward him similar to it in paradise.”

Donating money to build a masjid for the sake of Allah(SWT) is a sadaqah jariah (continuing charity), meaning the reward will continue to reach the donor even after his/her death.

Prophet (SAW) said:”When a man dies, nothing lives on after him, except for three things: sadaqah jariah (continuing charity), knowledge which can benefit others, or virtuous offspring who will pray for him.”

Donations can be made to the following bank account:

Bank: Common Wealth Bank
Account Name: ASLA Inc.
BSB: 063237
Account Number: 10353288

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Recent Project Updates

Phase 1 – Completed

Alhamdulillah, it is with great pleasure that we inform you the foundation for the Masjid and Community Centre at Ravenhall has been completed successfully. This

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Australian Sri Lankan Association Incorporated (ASLA Inc.)

Australian Sri Lankan Association Incorporated (ASLA Inc.) is a non-profit community organisation that was incorporated on the 3rd of June 2013.

The association was formed by a group of brothers whose main focus was to establish a community centre for the Muslim community living in Victoria.

The idea to establish a community centre was initiated by Sheikh Rizwe Mufthi on his first visit to Australia in 2012 during Ramadan. Currently many Muslim communities living in other parts of the world have already established similar centres and are operating very successfully.

A centre such as this will provide a focal point for the community to gather and enhance the unity.

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” Whoever makes a Masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will make for him a house in Paradise. ” (Sahih Muslim)

Donations can be made to the following bank account.

Bank: Common Wealth
Account Name: ASLA Inc.
BSB: 063237
Account Number: 10353288

Donate Online