
About us


Australian Sri Lankan Association Inc. (ASLA) was incorporated in 2013, with the main focus being to establish a Masjid and a community centre for the benefit of the Muslim community living in Victoria, Australia.

By the Mercy of Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa Tha’aala, ASLA Inc. has completed its Ravenhall Masjid & Community Centre (RMCC)  at No. 101 Eucumbene Drive, Ravenhall Victoria 3023. In fact, this is the first such Masjid project initiated by the Sri Lankan Muslim Community living in Australia with a cost of 2.8 million Dollars. This project cost has been funded by the generous contribution and benevolent loan of Sri Lankan and other Muslim Communities and the Community Infrastructure Grant program, through the State Government of Victorian, Australia. 

Ongoing and planned Activities  at the new centreSocial, Cultural, welfare, and educational activities to the wider Victorian Communities

  • Conduct Fundraising events for community activates
  • Promote Interfaith relationships amount other faith
  • Provide support services and activities for people who are at disadvantage.
  • Assist in alleviating problems of youth associated with drugs and alcohol
  • Provide youth and families who are at risk and require support to live their life in a happy, peaceful and productive manner
  • Establish a library to encourage reading among youths
  • Employ and enlist personnel and teachers, for the provision of educational welfare services to the community in general
  • Relieve human suffering through chaplaincy, and counselling services for those who are suffering in hospitals, prisons or at home among other benevolent activities

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” Whoever makes a Masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will make for him a house in Paradise. ” (Sahih Muslim)

Donations can be made to the following bank account.

Bank: Common Wealth
Account Name: ASLA Inc.
BSB: 063237
Account Number: 10353288

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