Foundation stone laying ceremony

ASLA Management Committee would like to thank everyone who attended the milestone event of Ravenhall Masjid and Community Centre. It was a memorable day for the community where the foundation stone was laid to commence construction of the Masjid and Community Centre.

We were honoured to have Ash-Sheik Agar Mohamed (Deputy director of Jamiah Naleemiah- Sri Lanka) as the chief guest on this day. His presence as well as his motivational speech was a boost to all of us. We were pleased to have Imams from neighbouring masjids attend this event and pledge their support towards this cause. We were overwhelmed with the support shown by the community towards this project by attending this occasion.

The ASLA Management committee extends its heartfelt gratitude towards the community and asks for your continued support in this cause to make this Masjid and Community Centre a reality and establish it as a vibrant community hub.
We kindly urge you to assist in any way possible towards completing this project as soon as possible.  Your contributions can be made to;

Account Name: ASLA Inc.
Bank & Branch: Commonwealth Bank, Fawkner.
Swift Code: CTBAAU2S
BSB/Branch code No: 063237
Account No: 10353288

May Allah Swt accept your intentions and increase you in good deeds.
Walaikum Salam Warahmathullahi Wabarakatuhu

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” Whoever makes a Masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will make for him a house in Paradise. ” (Sahih Muslim)

Donations can be made to the following bank account.

Bank: Common Wealth
Account Name: ASLA Inc.
BSB: 063237
Account Number: 10353288

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